As a present to me I got the Munchkin card game. It's technically a spoof of D&D, but it has enough random humor that even someone like me (who has never played D&D) to thoroughly enjoy it! Here's a low down of the rules, it's pretty simple once you get the flow chart.
To start: each player gets 2 Door cards and 2 Treasure Cards. Any Race and or Class cards can be played. A player with no race is considered ‘Human’. Then each player can play Item cards by placing them face up in front of them. All players start at Level 1; the game is over when a player wins by reaching Level 10. Each time you Kill a Monster on your turn, or sell 1,000 gold worth of Items during your turn, you go up 1 Level.
Race: you can only have one race in play. You can discard your race from play at any time (even in combat).
Class: you can only have one class in play. You can discard your class from play at any time (even in combat). Most Class cards have special abilities that require you to discard, you can discard any card you have played or in your hand to power this ability.
Item: Each Item has a name, power, size, and a value in gold pieces. When you play an item in front of you it is being ‘carried’. You can carry any number of small items, but only 1 ‘Big Item’; any item not termed big is considered small. Anyone can carry items, but some items have restrictions on their use, Items being carried but not being used are turned sideways to show they are not in use.
Each person can only use one ‘headgear’, one ‘suit of armor’, one ‘footgear’, and two ‘hand’ items at a time; ‘Two Hands’ items require both hands.
During your turn, as many times as you want, you can discard items whose value is worth at least 1,000 gold pieces (you don’t get change back) and go up one level.
Treasure cards can be played to the table as you get them or during your turn. Any one-shot (‘useable once only’) time can be played during any combat, whether you have it in your hand or on the table.
Curse! If drawn face up during ‘Open a Door’, they apply to the person who drew them. Otherwise they can be played at any player at any time. The Curse has it’s effect and then is discarded unless it’s effect is continuous (like ‘Chicken on Your Head’); continuous curses stay in play until something destroys the curse.
Players may trade Items, but not cards, at any time they are not in combat. Traded Items stay in play but change ownership, remember: you can’t sell items until it’s your turn!
When Cards contradict the rules, follow the cards.