Saturday, November 29, 2008

Half Noble

A certain someone is still hoarding a beloved Dan Savage book I continuously try to force upon people, so I spent the morning stalking in as many Barnes & Noble and Half-Priced Book stores as I could looking for another copy (eventually giving me double the loaning power). I was disappointed to find that no book store devotes more than 3 shelf sections to gay books, and of those shelves the vast majority are smutty story compilations. I don't see Cherokee book-porn in the Native American section one foot over and 'Women Studies' doesn't harbor dirty picture books or biographies of porn stars. Let's be clear, I have no problems picking up gay books, but a blatant wall of smut in public makes me uneasy. And really... 'Best Gay Stories' 06, 07, 08 are all sub par at best.

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