Saturday, November 29, 2008

Half Noble

A certain someone is still hoarding a beloved Dan Savage book I continuously try to force upon people, so I spent the morning stalking in as many Barnes & Noble and Half-Priced Book stores as I could looking for another copy (eventually giving me double the loaning power). I was disappointed to find that no book store devotes more than 3 shelf sections to gay books, and of those shelves the vast majority are smutty story compilations. I don't see Cherokee book-porn in the Native American section one foot over and 'Women Studies' doesn't harbor dirty picture books or biographies of porn stars. Let's be clear, I have no problems picking up gay books, but a blatant wall of smut in public makes me uneasy. And really... 'Best Gay Stories' 06, 07, 08 are all sub par at best.

Friday, November 28, 2008

thanks for giving

I was at work the other day when a guy came up wanting to take my picture for a newspapers 'why are you smiling' section. He said it was supposed to run around Thanksgiving. (If anyone knows exactly what paper does that or if they actually used my picture, let me know) For the quote I tried to think of something honest and not too corny. The theme was supposed to be Thanksgiving, so for the 'why are you smiling' caption, I said 'I'm thankful that my family puts up with me'.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Mac

My computer with it's awesome super power to use iMovie and not run Windows Vista, it finally returned! That carnival Gypsy said this day would come to pass! At long last I can play iTunes in my room, charge my iPod, update LiveJournal in less than an hour, and (hopefully) finish my cartoon without risking blowing a fuse out of Vista Virus. Woots go 'round for all!!