Thursday, May 15, 2008

Time is like a river, you'll drown if you can't swim.

On days like today, when people feel the need to show me how bad I’ve been at the whole college thing, I think of all the time I’ve wasted. If I had been where I am today four year… three years… two years… heck I’d even take one year, I might actually be proud of my prospects. But man, four years into this mess and I just now get to where I am psychologically, emotionally, and physically… it seems like a bit much. I guess the brighter side of that is that because I’ve spent the past four years where I’ve been and doing what I've done, I can feel confident in the progression I've made in the past half year. I’ve now become the person I wanted to be four years ago. That still doesn’t sound ideal, but it doesn’t sound all too bad either. I’ll take that.

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