Monday, April 27, 2009

Emo Crayons

As one of my many contributions to the angsty youth, I would like to market the following product:
Crayons for Emos

Your really not supposed to use all the colors, instead you let the bright ones congregate like clones over their happy fairy tale lives while you delve deep into the blackness of your soul...

OOooOOooo Dark...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

People are Gay

I was working my usual closing shift recently when I walked by a strange conversation two of my coworkers were having. A summary of the conversation went something to the effect of "I'm not homophobic. One or two is cool, I just don't like large groups. It's scary." Instantly my mind conjured how he walked home shaking every night, terrified of some wild roving gang of homosexuals should... beat the hell out of him? steal his money to go buy expensive electronics at Best Buy? I have no idea. What in the world would a large number of people grouped solely by their sexual preference want with this guy? I guess he must think he's hot stuff and presumes, what with the marauding hordes of females who sexually assault him at all times of the day, that if a man gang caught sight of him it would just be the finishing blow. (heh) I wish I had that self confidence...

Friday, April 24, 2009


I made this video to send to my roommate away from roommates, because she still hasn't been back to see I got ferrets.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness'

Heart of Darkness is a book that gets a lot of crap. I haven't met anyone else who ever enjoyed reading it, but I think that has more to do with understanding the premise of the book. I couldn't even tell this was written in English by the author as his third language. For one thing, the framing device threw me off.

A seaman on a boat in England tells all the bored passengers a story of when he went to Africa and traveled up the Congo River... that story frames the character Kurtz. Kurtz is a genius who seems to excel at everything he does and was hired to run the inner most station along the Congo River. Marlow, the seaman, hears rumors about Kurtz and slow pieces his character together by talking to people at each station along the river.

The station at the mouth of the river is run efficiently, although cruel to the natives; the accountant says Kurtz is a man of endless possibility and admires his ability to organize. At the next station shows no progress, the manager does shows little emotion and simply maintains the status quo; he acknowledges Kurtz potential and obscene success in the ivory trade and tries to defend his position from being overtaken by Kurtz's proficiency. At the last station, Marlow meets a wondering trader who lives closely with Kurtz. Like the local natives, he has come to worship Kurtz's genius as Godlike.

Kurtz has become cruel without civilization, gaining massive amounts of ivory by setting the native tribes against each other and displaying the heads of 'rebels' all over his compound. However this is ignored by the natives and the trader who conclude that a man so great and wondrous as Kurtz can no longer be judged as other men. The deathly ill Kurtz is carried back to the ship for transport for health care and Marlow finally has a chance to talk with and evaluate Kurtz first hand; something he spends most of the book anticipating as he gathered bits of Kurtz's legendary capacity. I don't want to spoil the ending, but it's a one; I like it more as I continue to think about it.

Monday, April 20, 2009


It's annoying when professors move dates around. A test moved to Thursday makes a paper due Tuesday. It's a crazy balancing act.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I think that few things are as deeply ingrained in humanity as community. We all like to think of ourselves as rugged individualists living a life without ever having to compromise our values or ideals. We think that tricking ourselves into imagining such things as unchanging gives a constantly changing world viewed through a narrow peephole at least some scope of permanence. But really no one wants to be that unagreeable. No one wants to maverick that level of mavericky. It would be miserable if the world was ruled by a flock of mavericks. People want a sense of community they can contribute to. That's where my thought process has been going recently.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A New Reel of Crazy

In what can only be a new level of delirium induced by boredom and nostalgia I've made a new blog! 'A new blog', you gasp, 'what else can you possibly cover? (you seem to always be running out of idea on this one).' I'm making a story blog. I liked updating this one occasionally with Animal Crossing posts a while back. The new blog will focus on Platinum, a game with a vaguely more direct story and wider variety, although it does make my nerd factor skyrocket. I'll let you all know when it's an outstanding success...

My Realization

I have come to realize that Tracy cannot be trusted around my computer as she commandeers my blog and thinks nothing of what she writes here. I could count my blessings that some blog readers may be imaginary, mine are non-existent.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I found my DS today. Where was it? Why of course it was on top of the bookcase in the corner! How did it get there?! No one knows! It's a mystery! Life is full of mysteries!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


My gameboy DS Lite has been missing for three weeks now. I clean my room, I practically up 'Missing Posters', I poked around in Tracy's room... still nothing. Sad day...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sleep and Loiter

There are two kinds of all nighters. One is the result of poor planning. The other is the result of insomnia. This post is the later.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Dirty Laundry

The ferrets love playing in the laundry so much that I've started using it as an excuse not to do it as often. Do laundry? What? No! Norman and Trolly need that to play! Crazy head.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


The most stressful part of going home is leaving. On days where there's good weather and the family is so nice I feel like a jerk when I have to leave. I end up sitting unhappy in traffic (which is slow because college kids can't drive... unlike us college adults) thinking. I find myself wanting to move around and travel when I get out of college, but at the same time I wish the world was a little bit smaller sometimes.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Today I found out that the Barnes and Nobles book store on De Zavala was closed down. I remember when that shopping area was so cool to hang out at. After school me and my high school friends would wreck havoc around the area. That Barnes and Nobles was integral to our dealings. Me and Bethany used to pick out magazines to read. Me and Annna used to laugh at the sex book isle. Me and Thea played Magic and YuGiOh cards in the kids section... there was even that one day when we lost track of time and our parents thought we were off on some scandals affair. The connecting Starbucks fueled our caffeine driven raids of nearby Target. Dressing up like Target bag-ladies and playing 'catch the Annna' really isn't something you can do without immense amounts of caffeine.

Without the bookstore, the shopping center looks even smaller and less lustrous than before. It makes me feel old.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Home Again

Settling in back in my own room is always a surreal experience. Partly it's because I don't really consider it my space no matter how familiar it is. It's also because my parents take random furniture out of my room to prop up TVs or additional desk space.

There's a new comforter that was put on my bed a year after I left, because the my old one apparently looked ratty and worn. I collects static electricity like a balloon rubbed on hair. It's like I'm lighting man or something when I get under the covers.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

no win

I keep trying to start writing a genius essay for my readmission application. Then I get stuck at the part where I feel like I deserve to get back in more than other abstract people who might work harder than me. Freshmen, for example, are indeed snot nosed morons, but they don't have a repeating failing record in college classes.


The Hastings' coffee shop has a happy hour drink special two nights a week. When I read it including Thursday I assumed that they'd make it symmetrical and split it Tuesdays/Thursday. I assumed wrong. The happy hours are only on Thursday and Friday. I can kind of understand the logic, why people would study more on their own during the first part of the week and then slack off after hump day. Unless Hastings really made the other day a Friday because they knew that people like me would assume that it was split Tuesday/Thursday and show up on Tuesdays when there's no drink special and end up studying here anyway, buying drinks, and sitting alone until I con friends to come keep me company.

Pretty sneaky Hastings...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

(Elmira style)

Today I finally unlocked Ho-oh from Collesium I. Finally, I can cash in my battle points for some rare items trade out of 3rd generation games for good! Muhahaha! I'm gonna naaame it, and teach it earrrthquake, and puuunishment, and love it foreeeever and eeeever.

Monday, April 6, 2009

i hate mondays

Monday always seems to be that one day of the week where I imagine kicking off a new and improved kick-ass week, only to be disappointed by my unchanging tendencies to procrastinate.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Victory! After weeks of trying to get myself up and at church on time I finally succeed! It was a good day at church, Palm Sunday. I can't exactly explain it but Friends Congregational Church is the first church that I feel inclined to go to. It may just be the fact that the seats face huge window gazing outside to a small field with trees instead of stained glass windows. It also may be that the speakers, but I distinctly remember not liking church back home because it always felt pretentious. Today the pastors did a skit talking about different takes on Palm Sunday; it seemed pretty generic until Dan said "the most frequently used phrase in the Bible is 'fear not.'" I've spend at least the last three weeks worrying myself idle about things. For a brief momment, the 'Fear Not' perspective let me actually grapple onto religion a little bit today. I've found myself wondering if I really would like to go on a church retreat.


My roommate got back from Chilie Fest, although she admits that she hates chilie. It's not as bad as a fit as it sounds because she reported no actual chilie being made, compared, dispensed, for 'fested' in any way for that matter. People sure do name fests for strange reasons. They should have made things more clear and named it 'Middle of Nowhere Beer Fest: Snook'.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

With/Without Cairns

I think I might actually be slowly outgrowing Magic Online, what has been for years now a sink hole to dump unfathomable amounts of time and money into. I like looking at the cards, reading about them, and I like building decks. But, when it comes to actually playing the card game I keep getting frustrated by my insufferable losing streak.
I don't want to win every single time, but it is annoying when I spend time designing a deck, collecting the cards, and then find that in practice it doesn't work at all. I'd be happy winning 60-75% of the time, but really I do around 30%. I've though about just modifying net decks for fun, although I haven't found a good source I can rip from. The only deck that I enjoy consistently playing is my Caretaker of Memories deck based playing out basic 'fair' creatures with a variety of evergreen abilities and then dropping Cairn Wanderer. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when Cairn Wanderer rotates out of standard, right now it's the only card I like playing AND also wins games (and doesn't cost absurd amounts of money).

Friday, April 3, 2009

T / R

The huge paper I thought was due Thursday turns out to really be due Tuesday. I for some reason read 'T' in the schedule as 'Thursday'. This is just an example why we need to rename one of those damn days of the week. Who the hell really reads 'R' as 'Thursday?'

Saturday/Sunday, you're also on notice.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


My dad stopped by to eat breakfast this morning. The waitress harped on me for being a little late (ferret poop doesn't scoop itself lady!) We might go to Dallas and see King Tut for my birthday. I'm lucky to have such a nice family.

(you'd think I'd do something creative and funny since it's April Fools Day)