Sunday, October 4, 2009

Moose Eye View

When you were a kid, did you ever make your own TV or radio stations? Make line ups? Etc.. etc... well I can tell you that was an act of pure boredom. I find myself in immense boredom, so I made something almost as well thought out: another blog. Check out LeafWheels on Blogger; I plan on updating it once or twice a day with random internet things. Don't expect too much effort or originality, and definitely don't expect any analysis.

A birds eye view gives you the scope of everything, it puts things in perspective. The opposite could be a mouse's eye view giving you insight to the gritty workings under the floor and between the walls. This new blog is neither of those things.

Intermittent with the randomness, I'm adding several internet series. While technically you can jump ahead by following the web sites, that's boring and you're likely to watch most of it all at once in an unappreciative marathon. Save yourself from yourself!

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