Friday, December 26, 2008

Seven Pounds, Four Christmases

This Christmas movie season is pretty awkward. Every year my family goes to see a movie with our neighbors and this year was no exception. Unfortunately, this year had pretty slim pickings. Everyone had already seen Four Christmases, a basic, likable holiday movie, and in the aftermath we were left with the following options. Marly and Me, was shot down as it was basically a chick-flick with a dog tagged on. Likewise the film critic of the family didn't want to see the 'kids movie' Bedtime Stories. The ending result was a toss up between Seven Pounds and Valkerie (exit sarcasm). Whose idea was it to have these movies open on Christmas Day?! Seven Pounds was depressing, although I guess it was about giving... but seriously, Valkerie?! Who in their right mind said, "Oh yeah, Christmas Day, we need to give the people what they want: a movie with Adolf Hitler wit Tom Cruise acting!" I didn't get the chance to see it, but I'd guess that the holiday movie this year is a toss up with seeing Four Christmases again and Bedtime Stories.

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