Sunday, December 20, 2009


You know, I kind of miss November. Not because I was in school then. As much as I enjoyed learning, and I did, I'm happy to be out for a while. But I had a list of exciting event in November. Now it's December, and really I got nothing. December is signifigantly lamer than November, afterall, I pretty much spent the first half finishing up school. And on top of that, I had, although willful, obigatory and time consuming travel plans to arrange everything by. With only ten days left in December, nay 2009, I'm thinking I'll do my best to inject a couple of exciting events and projects to spice up life. I can't say life sucks, but I can say that it's a lot more boring since November ended... :(

Tune in tomorrow to start a reel of exciting plans! Damn it, I'm going to enjoy my break to the fullest and stop being such a lardass about everything! (first I'll need an annoying catch phrase... "November Rocks" and "November is Awesome" are pretty hard to beat though... they were so catchy)

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