Thursday, December 17, 2009

Out of In Your Face -book

Oh internet, you are a wonder. You're fucking massive! I don't think humans were meant to be as connected as the functionality seems to put us sometimes; and that uncomfortably close proximity is only made possible by the internet!

Case in point, I submit Facebook. A social networking site, it allows you to keep up with an absurd number of people as they continue to update every inane detail of their life. In the case of my close friends, I really appreciate it. In the case of casual acquaintances, I guess it's kind of neat. I mean it helps me get to know them better without all that awkward... what did they use to call it? Conversation? As for people I really don't talk to though it's annoying.

I really don't care that they uploaded pictures, have a tough status update, or that they lost their phone and need the numbers of all their real friends. We don't talk and have no real impact or contact on each other's life. We have nothing in common and there really is no point in staying so up to date on people who have, and never really, had anything to do with my life. I might as well be following strangers. Scratch that! A lot of these people are in their own circle of friends. Bascially I just get updates about how they all get along with each other... which is all well and good... but basically I feel like I'm looking into a Alpaca Enthusiast Group meeting; I have no real attachment to alpacas.

But I can't un-friend them, that seems a little antagonistic. There must be a compromise. What's that Facebook? 'Hide' is a feature that can 'Hide' people right out off my reading list? You mean I can actually use facebook and ignore people I don't particularly care about? Why it's just like real life! *click*click*click*click*click*click*and *click* Ahhh, I now have a little breathing distance.

As the internet was conceived a way to connect everyone in near limitless ways, I think it's also key to let us all to disconnect a little bit. Ahhh... Facebook hasn't jumped this much closer to serenity since I blocked Farmville!

1 comment:

Corey Ann Leamon said...

I must also block Farmville...