At the 'Fire David Letterman' Rally is a short video posted onto the New York magazine website, credited to Jonah Green. The internet is a massive network, full of amusing clips featuring grown men getting racked in the balls and skateboarding dogs. However, At the 'Fire David Letterman' Rally manages to deliver a punch straight to the funny bone.
Following the wake of a misdirected joke in which Letterman said Palin's daughter was knocked up while attending a baseball game, obviously targeting Bristle Palin and unaware that she attended the game with her younger 14 year old daughter, Palin released an official statement full of her infamous political professionalism accented with a hint of the technological savviness that make her the wet dream of any conservative under the age of 28: she updated her Facebook page, oh and boy she has sass!! (on her Facebook page)
At the 'Fire David Letterman' Rally is the laugh out loud comedy of the year. What begins as a somewhat serious rally featuring angry and concerned people becomes a light hearted jest about how stupid people spend their free time. In the first 20 seconds, we are given the startling news that a issue of great importance is taking place. People hold signs saying 'Sex Offender' and condemning CBS. A woman informs the camera that EVERYONE IN THE COUNTRY IS VERY VERY FRUSTRATED AND UPSET. On my first watch I was amazed to find that yet another major national crisis had slipped past my radar. Following her, several other activists voice their concern. A woman with big glasses gives us context clues as what schmuck means in jewish, but the real punch line is when the college looking kid says he doesn't watch any TV other than Fox News. That line ends the set up and from here it's pure comedy!
What's the one thing more hilarious than two disagreeing people yelling at each other? Two people who agree yelling at each other! Big Glasses deafly yells her agreements at another supporter trying to yell at other people. He flickers between trying to ignore her and pausing to consider telling her to shut the hell up. What the fuck is that big oversized paper thing? You know what we need at more street rallies? Fine print.
The next item apparently discussed is Letterman's own family life. A much calmer voice tries to be decent; apparently he has a son out of wedlock. And apparently that means something here? The woman speaking as EVERYONE IN THE COUNTRY is back to inform us that really its a daughter; you can tell how in-tune she is with everyone in the country, its the only reason she was voted spokeswoman for the American public. I'm a little confused about whether Letterman has a son out of wedlock or a daughter (possibly both or a single child transitioning between genders, who the hell can tell with this crowd), but fortunately Big Glasses comes back to set the record straight, reprising her role as the Palin-Fangirl Sass Attacker. BASTARD SON!! SLUT FOR A WIFE! I love it when you talk dirty about Letterman's family to me...
(call me)
Just when you wrote him off an an insignificant moron that yells at the crowd, the indecisive do-I-ignore-or-slap-her guy is back to interact with the normal people going about their daily life. He appears worldly as he discusses the weak points of socialism (ITS EVIL!!!). A woman wearing a pink shirt tries to communicate using her inside voice (dumb bitch. WE NEED MORE YELLING), but Indecisive Guy slams her fragment of an argument with maturity of a 12 year old girl who owns the Spice Girl movie: the 'Oh No You Did'ent' finger wave and snap! Oh yes he did. Go away pink shirt lady, you just got served!
Effeminate backtalk dating to old school 1993, although hilarious and totally appropriate, detracts from the situation. Some red bearded guy takes control and refocuses everyone on what's truly important, yelling "enough is enough" he holds up a 'I'm a Right Wing Lunatic' poster. Good thing too. I almost didn't realize who I was watching. Back on track with tangets, Big Glasses tells us that her economics degree has the answer to our world enconomy crisis: we need to close down our boarders for 20 years and 'clean our own house' (I assume she means that we should collect all the spare change to be found under the sofa).
Okay, so some people have drifted off topic. I can picture someone in the center of the rally saying "I forgot, why the hell are we rallying outside of Letterman's studio again?" Luckily, at least one person remembers why they're there and she seeks to unite them once again! "KEEP CHILDREN SAFE FROM DAVID LETTERMAN'S MOUTH! HE WILL RAPE THEM WITH HIS MOUTH!" That's right! I almost forgot! Letterman is a pedophile (why not)! It totally slipped my mind! I guess I'll have to grab my torch and pitchfork and riot to the streets... unless I get distracted by drunk guys pretending to make out... ... ... OhSnap! Lady, do not look directly behind you! (I guess the policeman likes to watch?) I sure hope the guy who only watches Fox News doesn't turn around, or they'll rape his eyes with their tongues! Typically you would need to maturity of a teenager to handle that kind of PG 13 action, these protesters would be scared for life.
I rate this 4 out of 5 (Internet) Movie Ferrets.
Remember kids, if you want to be a professional grownup, post your injustices on to your Facebook page.