Tuesday, April 29, 2008

we all pack a little light

If the internet ever did one thing, it was create a massive pool of human kind. You can find all sorts of people saying all sorts of things and strangely enough at their center you'll find religion. Defined here loosely as a set of beliefs, practices, and a compilation of ideas trusted on faith, I can't imagine a single person who doesn't have some type of religion they reference daily for guidance and confirmation. I've always seen official religions market themselves as a package deal of conviction, but take a look down a line of people identifying as being in the same faith and it's plain to see that people have affiliated themselves for entirely different reasons. This makes me think that even religion en masse remains a very personal and private thing. The things that attract people to religion are the things they put their faith in to help them get through the day. Be it a hope of salvation, a chance at redemption, a desire for order, or the justice of damnation. Despite what anyone ever tells you, a person puts faith in a few precious things to make it through the day.

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